White-Collar Crime

We represent clients in white-collar crime matters. This includes both criminal defense and representation of private claimants in criminal proceedings. We also assist clients in pursuing civil claims and asset recovery. Our practice includes international legal assistance in criminal matters (extradition, freezing or confiscation of assets, seizure of documents) and administrative assistance proceedings in international tax matters.  

Our approach to white-collar crime disputes

White-collar crime cases are particularly challenging for all parties involved and require strategic foresight. Our team of seasoned lawyers draws upon many years of experience in legal practice and in the criminal justice system and is determined to meet these challenges with a cool head, even in turbulent times.

We are committed to our clients' goals and interests with passion, perseverance, and creativity, developing tailored strategies for each case. We specialise in dealing with critical situations, coordinating with experts from our network, such as PR consultants, accountants, other lawyers, former prosecutors and crisis managers as required.

We are independent and conflict-free

As an independent law firm based in Switzerland, we have the liberty to collaborate with any advisor globally and serve as the central coordinator for all legal representatives involved in a strategy that spans multiple jurisdictions. Our lack of affiliation with any international networks or global offices allows us to partner with the most suitable lawyers for each specific dispute and work alongside our clients' existing advisors worldwide.

Our firm's independence and focus solely on dispute resolution enable us to take on cases that many other firms cannot, due to conflicts of interest. We are a preferred firm for conflict referral work, trusted by some of the world's largest law firms to protect their clients' interests. This trust cements our status as premier specialists in white-collar crime matters.

Track Record

  • Representing defendant in crypto currency fraud case   

  • Defense of sales manager in professional fraud and criminal mismanagement case relating to software licensing

  • Representing affected parties by asset freezing and confiscation proceedings in connection with the international bribery case of the Venezuelan oil company PDVSA 

  • Representing plaintiff in construction fraud case 

  • Representing plaintiff in personality fraud case in connection with wealthy banker dynasty  

  • Successful representation of Peruvian citizen against extradition sentence due to social security fraud 

  • Criminal defense against charges for unlawful activities on behalf of a foreign state (article 271 CC) relating to the collection of Italian penalties for traffic violations on Swiss territory 

  • Representing plaintiff in embezzlement of funds case 

  • Representing plaintiff in investment fraud case 

  • Representing plaintiff in bankruptcy crimes case 

  • Representing and advising client in legal assistance proceedings based on embezzlement investigations in Barcelona  

  • Representation of wealthy US citizens relating to requests of the IRS for international assistance  

  • Representing a Moroccan entrepreneur in legal assistance proceedings brought by the Vietnamese government against asset freezing and document production order 

  • Representing Swiss companies in legal assistance and criminal proceedings in connection with alleged corruption scandal in Gambia 

  • Defense of CEO of Swiss company in tax fraud case in connection with international uranium trading 

  • Representing damaged parties in major ponzi scheme of asset manager known for his investments in renewable energy investments  

Highly recommended.


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